Important Dates

Author guidelines

High-quality full papers which at the time of submission, are not under review and have not already been published or accepted for publication elsewhere are solicited. Papers must be in PDF format and should include title, authors’ names and affiliations, e-mail address of the contact author. Both research and application-oriented submissions are welcome. All papers should be submitted electronically through EasyChair

In EasyChair, authors are requested to choose one of the following 11 tracks:

  • - Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering and Applications
  • - Selected Topics in Internet of Things (IoT)
    • - Selected Topics in Microwave and Antennas
    • - Selected topics in Signal, Image, and Video Processing
    • - Selected topics in Circuits and Systems
    • - Selected topics in Communications
    • - Selected Topics in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, and Applications
  • - Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
  • - Selected Topics in Computer Hardware and Embedded/Smart Systems
  • - Selected Topics in Electrical Energy
  • - Selected Topics in Advances and new trends in Cyber Security

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4 page papers ( Maximum of 2 additional pages can be purchased, each paper cannot exceed 6 pages) in IEEE two-column formats including diagrams and references. The title page should include author(s), name(s), affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address. The author should indicate one or two of the above categories that best describe the topic of the paper. More information for authors is available on the conference websites. You can find a copy of the IEEE standard conference template for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats here .