
Conference Tracks

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4 page papers in IEEE two-column formats including diagrams and references. The title page should include author(s) name(s), affiliation, mailing address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address. The author should indicate one or two of the following categories that best describe the topic of the paper.

Selected Topics in Computer Hardware and Embedded/Smart Systems
  • Parallel Computer Architectures
  • Multi-Core and Multiprocessor Architectures
  • Impact of Technology on Architecture
  • Embedded/Reconfigurable Architectures
  • GPGPU/APU Heterogeneous Systems
  • Architectures for Cloud-Based HPC and Data Centers
  • Impact of Compilers and System SW on Architecture
  • Performance Modeling, Scalability, and Evaluation
  • Architecture for Novel Application Workloads
  • Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems
  • System on Chip (SoC)/Multiprocessing SoC (MPSoC)
Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning / Machine Learning
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Image Processing / Computer Vision
  • Data Mining
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  • Biometrics
  • Autonomous Robots
  • Intelligent Transportation
Selected Topics in Big Data, Data Science, and Applications
  • Data Science Foundations and Theories.
  • Big Data Platforms and Technologies.
  • Machine/Deep/Statistical Learning-Based Algorithms for Big Data.
  • Advanced Analytics and Knowledge Discovery Methods.
  • Large-Scale Databases, Big-Data Processing, And Distributed Processing.
  • Social Network Analysis.
  • Semantic-Based Data Mining and Data Pre-Processing
  • Big Data Visualization.
  • Big Data Security and Privacy.
  • Big Data Infrastructure (Cloud/Grid/Fog, and Stream Computing)
  • Data and Information Quality for Big Data.
  • Big Data Management (Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, etc.)
  • Big Data Engineering (Query Processing and Optimization, New Hardware for Big Data, etc.)
  • Domain-Specific Data Science and Analytics Practice, Including Business Analytics, Health/Medical Analytics, Financial Analytics, And Environmental Analytics
  • Government Analytics and Enterprise Analytics
  • Real-World Applications, Case Studies, And Demonstrations
  • Big Data as A Service
  • Ethics, Social Issues, Privacy, Trust, Fairness, and Bias
Selected topics in Communications
  • PHY layer, signal transmission and reception
  • Spectrum sharing, spectrum management, and cognitive radio
  • 5G and Next Generation Communication Systems
  • M2M, D2D, and Ad-hoc Networks
  • VANET and MANET Networks
  • UAV Wireless Networks and its applications.
  • Energy Harvesting and Green Communications
  • Wireless network security
  • Underwater communications
  • Wireless body area networks
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Optical communications and Photonics
Selected topics in Circuits and Systems
  • Computer Aided Network Design
  • VLSI Systems and Applications
  • Neuromorphic Systems.
  • Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits.
  • Digital Integrated Circuits, SOC, and NOC.
  • Linear and Non-linear Circuits and Systems.
  • Embedded Electronics.
  • RFICs and Microwave Systems.
  • Power Management and Energy Harvesting.
  • Hardware/Software Co-design.
  • Biomedical Circuits and Systems.
  • Sensory Circuits and Systems.
  • Embedded systems for Vehicular applications.
Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering and Applications
  • Biomedical Devices for Computer Interaction.
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces and Brain Imaging.
  • Telemedicine and Health Monitoring Systems.
  • Wearable Sensors and Systems.
  • Video and Image Analysis for Physiological Signals.
  • Biomedical Embedded and Mobile Systems.
Selected topics in Signal, Image, and Video Processing
  • Image and Video Processing
  • Analog and Digital Signal Processing.
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Multimedia Systems and Applications
  • Visual Communications Systems
  • Applications of Internet of Things (IoT)
Selected Topics in Microwave and Antennas
  • Multiple Antenna Systems, Coding and Cooperative Communications
  • RF and mmWave
  • Electromagnetic Fields and waves
  • Antenna Design and Applications
  • Scattering and propagation
  • Millimeter-wave/THz
  • Broadband and multi-band antennas
  • MIMO antennas
  • Active adaptive and smart antennas
  • Antenna measurements, reconfigurable antennas, and others
  • Wireless power transfer
  • Electromagnetics in biology and medicine
Selected Topics in Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Systems on chip for IoTs
  • IoT system architecture
  • IoT enabling technologies
  • IoT communication and networking protocols
  • IoT services and applications
  • Security and privacy in embedded IoT scenarios
  • Experiences in building smart wearable IoT platforms
  • Power consumption and optimization in embedded IoT
  • Fault-tolerance and reliability in embedded IoT applications
  • Middleware and platforms for embedded IoT applications.
  • The social implications of IoT
  • Wireless Energy Harvesting for IoT

Selected Topics in Electrical Energy:

  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Smart Grid
  • Electric mobility
  • IoT Application in Electrical System
  • Power electronics and applications
  • Machine Learning Applications in Energy Systems

Selected Topics in Advances and new trends in Cybersecurity.

  • Emerging Threats and Attack Vectors
  • Cybersecurity in the Age of AI and Machine Learning
  • Cloud Security
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security
  • Blockchain and Cryptography
  • Cyber Defense Strategies and Incident Response
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Human Factors in Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure.
  • Future Directions and Innovations in Cybersecurity